THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: CCTV footage and phone calls led the police to the woman doctor Deepthimol Jose in the incident of shooting a housewife at her home in West Fort. The statement of Shini, who was shot, was that she had no enemies and no one would attempt to harm her but the police did not believe this.
The investigation team led by City Police Commissioner G. Sparjan Kumar had initially confirmed that a family problem was behind the crime. At the same time, the police started an investigation focusing on CCTVs and mobile phone towers. The numbers of Shini, her husband Sujith and their parents were collected. The phone calls of Shini and Sujith were mainly examined. The investigation focused on the numbers that both of them had talked to several times before and the day before the incident, revealed the incident. The police also checked their phones.
Initially, the investigation team focused the investigation on Sreekaryam and Karunagappally. After that, the investigation was extended to Paripally and Kollam. After the incident, the police found the car in which the accused was travelling in Paripally in the early hours. It is also clear that the car went towards Kulamada from Paripally. This was the same route taken by the accused in the recent incident of abducting the child from Oyur and leaving it at the Kollam ashramam ground. CCTV cameras are less on this route so it will not come under police surveillance immediately. But the investigation team reached Deepti yesterday morning after checking many cameras in private institutions and houses.