THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Minister V Sivankutty said that changing the timings of schools is not practical in Kerala. He told the media that the Khader committee report will be discussed with the experts. V Sivankutty said that many of the recommendations of the committee were impractical and would discuss leaving the appointment of teachers in aided schools to the PSC.
Khader Committee is a committee appointed to make recommendations on quality education. The committee recommended that the school hours should be adjusted from 8 am to 1 pm. Currently, government schools operate from 9.30 to 3.00 or 10.00 to 4. But the education minister clarified that the time change is not on the current agenda.
The report of the Khader Committee, which was appointed to study the issues related to the change of school timings, exam calendar revision, teacher appointments, etc., was submitted to the government only after almost two years.
It will be difficult for the government to implement many of the Khader Committee's recommendations, including changing the school timings from eight in the morning to one in the afternoon. Therefore, it is seen whether each recommendation can be implemented in consultation with the concerned parties.