BENGALURU: An employee of the popular city coffee shop, Third Wave, was caught hiding a camera inside the toilet. The incident occurred on Saturday morning when a young woman visiting the café found a mobile camera concealed in the restroom. The employee had switched the phone to flight mode, made a hole in the dustbin and placed the camera inside.
Officials informed that the employee has been dismissed from the establishment. It was also found that the smart phone placed in the dustbin had filmed the video for about two hours. The phone was placed facing the toilet seat. The shopkeeper assured that legal action would be taken against the employee. The owner of the establishment said that the privacy and security of the shop visitors is very important to the establishment.
He added that this is an unfortunate incident and legal action will be taken against the employee and all support will be provided to the young woman. When she found the phone, the panicked woman called the staff of the cafe. They soon realized that the phone belonged to one of them. Following this, the police was immediately informed about the incident.