THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: A couple has been arrested in the capital for trafficking ganja. The suspects, Unnikrishnan (39), known as Kaavuvila Unni and his wife Aswathy (35), were arrested at their residence in Tarangini Nagar, Nivedyam House, opposite the Muttathara SIMI petrol pump. The police seized 12 kilograms of ganja from the couple.
Unnikrishnan allegedly sourced the ganja from Odisha. He reportedly travelled by train to Nagercoil, then took a tourist bus to Kaliyikkavila, where his wife picked him up on a scooter. They intended to transport the drugs to their hiding spot.
Acting on a tip-off received by Fort Assistant Commissioner Prasad, a team comprising shadow police, Kovalam SHO Jayaprakash, sub-inspectors Suresh Kumar, Naseer, Muneer and CPOs Biju, Baiju John and Rani intercepted the couple. The police chased the suspects to the Kovalam lighthouse, where they intended to hide the ganja and successfully arrested them.
Unnikrishnan had previously been arrested in a similar case, where 150 kilograms of ganja were seized. After being released on bail, he resumed his activities with his wife.
Father and son arrested for drug possession
In a separate incident, a father and son from Palode, Thiruvananthapuram, have been arrested for drunkenness and drug possession. The police seized two kilograms of ganja and 735 packets of pan masala from their possession.