BENGALURU: The search operation for Arjun, a driver who went missing after a landslide in Shirur, has resumed. Local diver Ishwar Malpe descended into the Gangavali river today, with fishermen joining the search to locate Arjun’s lorry and attempt to open the cabin. The preliminary search is being conducted for two hours in the river, with teams from the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) also participating.
The extensive search operation will continue tomorrow, with a focus on locating Arjun and the two other missing persons. The search is concentrated near the Gangavali river, where fishermen stand on the banks holding the rope attached to Malpe’s body, while two canoes are deployed for his protection.
Karwar MLA Satish Krishna Sail informed that the weather conditions are favorable for the search, with no rainfall in the area for the past two days and the river's flow at nearly two knots. Sail expressed frustration with the Kerala government, accusing it of not cooperating in the search efforts. He stated that they were willing to conduct the search with equipments including dredger and despite offering to pay the required rent in advance, the Kerala government has only responded that they are "trying."
In response, Kerala officials rejected the MLA's allegations, clarifying that the dredger in Thrissur is not suitable for the search operation. They also confirmed that this information was communicated to the Karnataka government.