THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan faced criticism during a CPM branch conference, where representatives expressed concerns that the Chief Minister had lost control over both his office and the police force. Several party members demanded clarity on the allegations raised by MLA PV Anwar and called for these concerns to be reported to higher party committees. They cautioned that the government's image could suffer if police mismanagement continues.
At the same time, MLA Anwar's serious political allegations have sparked a stir within the Left Front. The CPM state secretariat will address these accusations during its meeting tomorrow, while the CPI state council is set to discuss the matter today.
Reports suggest that the CPM will launch an internal investigation into Anwar's claims, which target the Chief Minister's Office and the Home Department. The allegations come amidst growing criticism that the government's inquiry into the actions of AGP and the Chief Minister's political secretary, P Shashi, has been ineffective and lacks transparency.
Yesterday, MLA Anwar handed over a written copy of his allegations to CPM State Secretary MV Govindan, who is expected to present the issue at the state secretariat meeting tomorrow.