KANNUR: The police have registered a case against Kannur district panchayat president PP Divya in connection with the death of ADM Naveen Babu. Based on a complaint filed by Naveen Babu's brother, the case has been registered on charges of abetment to suicide. Divya has been charged with a section that carries a jail term of up to 10 years.
The action was taken after state secretary MV Govindan's remark that Divya's remarks should have been avoided. Though Naveen's brother had lodged a complaint against Divya with the city police commissioner, the police were initially not ready to take action. The FIR only mentioned that it was an unnatural death.
Kannur Additional District Magistrate Naveen Babu was found hanging in his quarters at Pallikunnu in Kannur on Tuesday morning. The death came after district panchayat president PP Divya's accusation of corruption. Divya's allegation was made during a farewell ceremony held on Monday. PP Divya alleged that the ADM made misguided moves to give no-objection certificate (NOC) to the petrol pump. She said that she had all the evidence for this and that within two days everyone would know everything.