PALAKKAD: Despite a staid initial voter turnout, Palakkad got back on track and recorded 70.51 per cent polling by 6 pm on Wednesday. The percentage has plummeted from the 74 per cent recorded during the 2021 assembly elections.
BJP district president KM Haridas, mired in double vote controversy, didn’t vote on Wednesday. Congress workers under the leadership of VK Sreekandan MP were waiting near the polling booth to stop the BJP leader in case he appeared to vote. CPM Minister M B Rajesh also went against BJP district president and threatened to stop him from voting.
Haridas said he stood away from voting only to avoid a conflict. As per reports, Haridas's decision to not vote had the backing of the district leadership.
“Leave district president, V K Sreenadan won’t be even able to stop a BJP booth president from voting. Despite not voting, I am sure of the results. It is going to be a thumping BJP victory in Palakkad.” said Haridas.
Meanwhile, clashes broke out in connection with UDF candidate Rahul Mamkootathil's visit to a polling booth in Vennakkara. LDF and BJP activists alleged that the candidate went to the booth and canvassed votes. Clashes broke out in the area after Rahul was stopped by activists of both parties. More police have arrived here as there is a possibility of clashes.
Rahul said that LDF and BJP workers were unnecessarily creating tension and that he was stopped by both parties. Rahul also asked arent other candidates coming to the polling booths.