PALAKKAD: Irfana Sherin was crushed to death by the lorry in front of her mother. This was revealed by Ajna Sherin, who had a narrow escape from the accident. Irfana’s mother Fareesa was waiting for her to take her to the dentist.
Fareesa was waiting for her in Panayampadam and saw Irfana coming from school. She then saw the lorry crushing her daughter to death. Ajna escaped as she fell a short distance away. When she got up and looked, she saw a crowd. Ajna said that she got scared then.
Ajna, Irfana Sherin, Rida Fathima, K M Nida Fatima, and A S Ayesha were always together. Their friendship dates back to their madrassa days. All five are students of class 8. Ayesha was in eighth ‘E’ and the rest in ‘D’ division. The English exam held yesterday was easy for the five students. Their fear was in the Hindi exam that was to be held today. The accident happened while they were walking and talking about this.
Ayesha had given her umbrella which got wet to Ajna, saying that there was no space in her bag. Ajna said Rida had given her writing pad to her. They were neighbors. The accident occurred half a kilometer away from their homes. The girls will be laid to rest today.