HYDERABAD: Seven people, including the hostel warden, have been taken into custody in connection with the incident in which a mobile phone was found hidden in the women's hostel bathroom of an engineering college. The incident occurred at the hostel of CMR Engineering College in Medchal, Hyderabad. Police have seized the mobile phones of those in custody and sent them for scientific examination. Fingerprint samples have also been sent to the forensic lab.
It was one of the students who found a mobile phone in the hostel bathroom on Wednesday. The phone reportedly contained numerous private videos of students. It is alleged that private footage of the students has been recorded over the past three months. According to the students, the phone contained more than 300 such videos. Despite informing the college management about the incident, no action was taken, prompting students to stage a protest. Subsequently, the police launched an investigation. Among those taken into custody are the hostel cooks. The hostel warden has been suspended by the college authorities. The college has also been declared closed for three days following the incident.