Kerala Kaumudi Online
Wednesday, 12 March 2025 5.11 PM IST

When politics hinders development

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Development is the declared goal of all political parties in the country, but it is these same politicians who are hindering development. Policy approaches that are acceptable when in power become completely unacceptable when they leave power and move to the opposition. With such changes in power, development activities are the ones that suffer the most, whether in the state or local bodies. Excessive politics in local bodies is seen to be stunting the growth of that place itself. It was to avoid this unfortunate situation that when the Panchayat-Municipality Act was introduced, its proponents wrote that local bodies should function beyond politics.

However, this requirement was soon forgotten. Even the elections to the Panchayat Governing Body became completely based on party politics. Anti-Defection Act had to be introduced as local government institutions were constantly being subverted through defection. It is on its strength that local government committees are still in power in many places. The Panchayat-Municipal Administration Act came into force in the country in 1993. The law envisaged a system of governance without a ruling party and an opposition. However, states like Kerala, Tripura and West Bengal introduced politics into local elections in the beginning itself. Later, many states followed suit. Now, like the parliamentary and assembly elections, local elections have also become based on politics.

The main responsibility of local bodies is to enable development that is suitable for the people and the locality in their respective areas. Naturally, politics should not come into play in this. The development of the respective area should be the main consideration in the Panchayat, Municipality or Corporation. How to improve the quality of life of the people is also an issue that local bodies should consider. However, the severe political differences among the members of the governing body often disrupt the discussions related to development. In most local body meetings, not only do arguments and mutual challenges erupt, but conflicts that reach the point of fistfights are common. Those on the other side are probably looking for ways to overthrow the governing body.

The study report of two institutions in Thiruvananthapuram and Kochi clearly explains how politics in local bodies is creating a hindrance to the development of the state. There is no doubt that local bodies can implement good development in the country if they work beyond politics. Unfortunately, even the good suggestions made by those in power often do not receive the necessary support from the other side. They will think that they can come to power in the next election only by belittling the ruling party. When they come to power, they will try to implement the policies they are opposing now. Then those on the other side will oppose it. Politicians are hindering progress by dividing themselves in this way.

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