THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Suresh Gopi has fulfilled yet another of his promise. The actor had earlier said that he would buy an insulin pump for a child named Nandana, who has been diagnosed with type one diabetes. He has fulfilled his promise. Suresh Gopi’s wife Radhika handed over the pump, worth Rs 6 lakh, to the child, on Thursday.
Suresh Gopi fulfilled his promise to Nandana by arriving at Dr Jyotidev Keshavdev's Diabetic Centre. The device, which is not available in India, was brought from the US. The insulin pump is technically known as Automated Insulin Delivery System.
Nandana is the daughter of auto driver Manoj and Anupama, who hails from Kalpetta. Normally, one will have to insert a needle into the body five to six times a day to check the sugar level. However, if an insulin pump is attached to the body, the problem can be solved. On learning about this, Suresh Gopi offered help and arranged the device for the child.