KOCHI: 67-year-old Nazar, who had a heart valve and a kidney transplant within months, left the hospital in perfect health. The courage of Nazar, a native of Pallikal, Thiruvananthapuram who volunteered for a twin surgery, amazed the doctors as well. The surgery was done at the Medical Trust Hospital.
Nazar, who was undergoing dialysis due to kidney disease, came to the Medical Trust hospital a year ago. In the examination, narrowing of the heart valve was found. The doctors advised the complications of the surger considering his age and dialysis but Nazar did not back down. Then the valve was replaced on March 31 through 'TAVI', which involves passing the valve through the femoral vein without opening the heart.
After the heart condition became normal, Nazar asked for a kidney transplant. Renal specialist Dr. Muhammad Iqbal advised against it, but Nazar persisted. On October 13, the kidney was transplanted. Hospital managing director Dr. P.V. Lewis said that it is the first time in Kerala that both surgeries are performed in one person. Dr. K. Vinodhan, Dr. Aruna P and Dr. Sachin Joseph was part of the surgery.
Nazar is a social activist who has worked in Saudi Arabia for 30 years. He was also the Congress Constitency President. Wife: Naseehathu Beevi. He has two daughters.