BRUSSELS: The European country has implemented maternity leave, health insurance and labor laws for sex workers. Belgium has made history by becoming the first country in the world to take such a decision. Official employment contracts, pensions and sick leaves have also been implemented in the sex work sector.
Belgium decriminalized sex work in 2022. Although countries such as Germany, Greece and the Netherlands have also enacted laws decriminalizing sex work, Belgium is the first country to implement labor laws. Sex work will now be considered like any other job.
The law is very important, says Victoria, president of the Belgian Union of Sex Workers. 'If the work is illegal, there is no way to protect you. Once, a customer raped her. But when she complained to the police, her complaint was dismissed, stating that sex workers would not be raped. Therefore, the new law is very important in the sex work sector,' Victoria explained.
Mel, a sex worker in Belgium, says the new law gives hope. Under the new law, it is possible to refuse clients or refrain from unsafe sex. Mel also noted that the new law is very helpful for women. At the same time, some suggest that the new law could lead to human trafficking, exploitation and abuse.