PUNE: RSS president Mohan Bhagwat said that it is up to the people to decide whether they to accept whether one is God or not and don't proclaim oneself as God. He reminded the workers about this while attending a function in Pune. Earlier Prime Minister Narendra Modi had preached during the elections that God had directly sent him when he examined his life experience. Mohan Bhagwat's speech indirectly indicated this.
"Instead of being calm, some people think that you should shine like lightning. After the lightening, it will be darker than before, so the workers should always burn and shine when needed.' Mohan Bhagwat reminded. Mohan Bhagwat gave this speech at the Shankar Dinkar Kane Memorial. Kane's place of work was in Manipur. Mohan Bhagwat recalled that at that time, when party workers from outside came, the people continued violence, but the workers worked calmly in the state.
He reminded this while the ongoing conflict in Manipur. In his speech, Mohan Bhagwat said that state NGOs could not bring peace in Manipur but the Sangh Parivar did.