MUMBAI: WhatsApp is the most used messenger app in the country to communicate with each other. Meta AI recently introduced by WhatsApp is becoming a boom. After this, now Indigo Airlines introduced a system where you can buy tickets for air travel using WhatsApp. IndiGo's new step is part of simplifying the process of ticketing for passengers.
This feature has been developed in collaboration with Google's Riafy technology. It will act as a portable digital travel agency. IndiGo says the feature will provide a wide range of services such as booking flight tickets, assisting with check-ins, answering questions about boarding passes and responding to frequent inquiries about travel or flights.
The airline claims that the aim of this system is to simplify the procedures during the first phase of the flight. Currently, the system has been implemented in such a way that customers can use the service in Tamil, Hindi and English languages. The company plans to provide services in more local languages in the future.
The first thing to do is to send a 'Hi' message to the WhatsApp number +91 7065145858 to book the ticket. In response to this, various options such as flight ticket booking, web check-in, boarding passes and flight status are available. When you select the option to book a flight ticket in this, the next message will come asking the place of departure, destination, date and time.
When you enter this information, WhatsApp itself will send you a chart of services operating on the intended date. From this you have to select the flight you want to go and pay through online. Once the payment is completed, the ticket booking process will be completed once the ticket document is sent to WhatsApp.