SABARIMALA: An Ayyappa devotee from Tamil Nadu died after suffering a heart attack on Wednesday during his Sabarimala pilgrimage. M Sharavanakumar (47), from Bliss Villa in Kodaikanal, died on Wednesday morning. Sharavanakumar, who collapsed near the first number queue complex at Saramkuthy at around 12.30 am, was first taken to the Emergency Medical Center and later to the Pampa Government Hospital. However, his life could not be saved. Authorities have taken the necessary steps to send the body to the hometown.
The other day, a devotee from Karnataka died after jumping off the flyover at the Sannidhanam in Sabarimala Lord Ayyappa temple. The deceased has been identified as Karnataka Kanakapura native Kumaraswamy (40). He jumped from the flyover leading from Sannidhanam to Malikappuram on Monday evening. Kumaraswamy, who sustained severe injuries to his arms and legs, was given first aid at the hospital in Sannidhanam. However, he passed away on the way to Kottayam Medical College for specialized treatment. The cause of death is reported to be a heart attack. Those who were with him stated that he was suffering from mental distress.