THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) on Wednesday said that it has partially restored the power supply in the Chooramala area, which was hit by the landslide on Tuesday. KSEB said that power supply has been restored up to Chooralmala telephone exchange and Chooralmala town, where a bridge was washed away due to the landslide on Tuesday. According to preliminary information, KSEB has incurred a loss of around Rs 3 crore in the Chooralmala and Mundakkai areas alone.
Around three and a half kilometres of high-tension lines and eight kilometres of low-tension lines falling under the Meppadi electrical section were completely damaged in Chooralmala and Mundakkai landslides. Two transformers were washed away, and six transformers collapsed in the landslide. The power supply to around 1000 consumers in the area has been completely disrupted.
Two teams under the leadership of sub-engineers have been kept ready with vehicles at the spot to carry out the preliminary works and provide necessary assistance to the rescue operation. ABC cables, transformers and related materials have also been made available for power restoration. Necessary workers and staff have been deployed in the area.