THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The police headquarters has decided to register criminal cases against the police officers who continue unholy relations with gangsters, drug gangs, various mafias, and other criminals. So far, policemen, who are found guilty of continuing mafia connections, used to face only departmental actions like good conduct training, suspension and transfer.
The secret internal vigilance cells appointed to find out the gangster-criminal nexus of the policemen will conduct the investigation and submit a report to the DGP. Further action will be taken based on this report. Police officers will have to face action if they are found to have aided or abetted criminal activities or were involved in conspiracies.
The police headquarters is of the opinion that only by moving in this way can the criminal relationship in the police force be put to an end. Kerala Kaumudi had published a series about the criminals in the police force. Following this, emergency measures were taken as per the instructions of the Chief Minister.