THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Vigilance has reported a huge irregularity in the distribution of aid from the Chief Minister's distress relief fund. The vigilance has also recommended action against officials who were complicit in the state-wide fraud. Vigilance Director Manoj Abraham has recommended conducting an audit once in three months.
Vigilance found that four lakh rupees were given from the relief fund in the name of the reconstruction of a house in Kollam with no damage. A patient who sought treatment for stomach ailment in Varkala was given aid for heart ailment. One doctor issued medical certificates to 13 people in Karunagappally taluk. Certificates were given to six members of the same family.
In Palakkad's Alathur, out of 78 applications, 54 certificates were issued by an Ayurvedic doctor. The same phone number was found in 28 applications. Vigilance found that the mother of a Kozhikode government official also received financial assistance and the son of a Kozhikode expatriate received Rs 3 lakh for treatment.