Late into the evening yesterday, news surfaced about actor-politician Suresh Gopi collapsing while at a public function and later getting hospitalized. His health status was ambiguous but messages poured in from all quarters asking the actor good health and fast recovery. Bursting the bubble of hoaxes, Suresh Gopi himself shared a picture and informed that he is in good health and called the media's purported news fake. Mr. Gopi thanked the thousands for their messages and love while confirming that he was busy on the film set of ‘Garudan’, the actor's new outing with producer Listin Stephen.
The news regarding my hospitalisation is wrong. By God's grace, I'm completely fine and is at the shooting location of #Garudan at Aluva UC college.
— Suressh Gopi (@TheSureshGopi) May 24, 2023
Once again thanks a ton for all the messages and wishes! ❤️❤️#ArunVarma #ListinStephen
The crime thriller movie is penned by Midhin Mnuel Thomas while the director is newcomer Arun Varma. Biju Menon shares equal prominence with Suresh Gopi in the movie.