THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Labor Minister V Sivankutty said that a new law will be introduced in the state for migrant workers. He also said that the 'Athithi' app will be launched by the state including the information of migrant workers. All the consideration given to labourers in Kerala is also given to migrant labourers. The Minister said that the consideration given to them as guests who come to Kerala in search of better employment and living conditions should not be seen as a weakness.
'The government is considering special legislation for migrant labourers. At present, the number of migrant labourers and arrivals and departures are not accurate. It is estimated that there are more than five lakh migrant labourers in the state. It is not clear whether they have submitted their documents or not.' Sivankutty said.
'There is a Central Act of 1979 relating to Migrant Workers. It states many things. We have not fully implemented it. It requires that agents bringing in workers must be licensed. But that is not what is happening here. He clarified that anyone can come here, stay, work, show anything and then leave.