Prajesh Sen who rose to fame with his directorial debut ‘Captian’ has announced his next outing with Asif Ali. Sen’s new film is ‘Houdini - The King of Magic’ starring Asif Ali and Devi Nair.
Devi wears the charm of a yesteryear actress. At some stages, Devi had been approached by random people on streets or at shops telling her about the similarities she has with that veteran actress. But Devi’s reply would often end up perplexing many. She would reply “ Yes, She is my mother”.
Daughter of erstwhile actress Jalaja, Devi made her debut in Mollywood through Fahadh Faasil’s ‘Malik’. She had a remarkable role in the movie which was received well among the masses. Asif Ali will essay on the role of a magician named Ananthan in ‘Houdini’. The shooting is ongoing in Kozhikode.
Asif Ali and Prajesh Sen are teaming up for the first time. Guru Somasundaram, Jagadish, Srikanth Murali, and some new faces are in the line-up. Mumbai and Rajasthan will also be the locations.