NEW DELHI: Although the election is being held for 543 Lok Sabha constituencies, the total number of seats is 544 as per the figures released by the Commission today. Chief Election Commissioner Rajeev Kumar clarified why so when media workers raised questions. Voting in Manipur's Outer Manipur Lok Sabha constituency will be held in two phases. That is why the total number of seats is coming as 544, he said. Manipur has two Lok Sabha constituencies. Inner Manipur and Outer Manipur. Inner Manipur is in the foothills and Outer Manipur is in the hilly region. Polling will be held on April 19 in Inner Manipur and 15 assembly constituencies of Outer Manipur. The remaining 13 assembly constituencies of Outer Manipur will go to polls on April 26. In the wake of the conflict, those staying in the camps will be facilitated to vote there.
Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly to happen later
Rajeev Kumar informed that the assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir will not be held along with the Lok Sabha elections due to the security situation. The political parties there were in favour of joint elections. The administration cited difficulties including assigning security personnel to each candidate. It was also clarified that there will be action for the assembly elections after the Lok Sabha elections.