Kerala Kaumudi Online
Wednesday, 19 June 2024 1.51 AM IST

Station bail due to overcrowded prisons; over 12,000 arrests within six days but less than 500 sent to prison


THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Gangsters and drug offenders arrested by the police are being released on station bail as prisons are overcrowded and run out of space. This is when there is an allegation that it is the political parties that are protecting the gangsters.

Over 12,000 people were arrested within six days through Operation-AAG and Operation-D raids. Out of this, 3000 are preventive arrests. Fewer than 500 people were jailed, including those under the Goonda Act (KAAPA). Others must come to the station daily to sign and are released on good behaviour conditions. It is alleged that political interference is the reason behind this.

Central jails have more than double the capacity of prisoners. After the election code of conduct came, the parole was cancelled and everyone was called back, which caused the crisis. Cramming in more prisoners would be a security threat. The gangsters are being released on station bail taking that into account. Viyyur High-Security Prison, which houses militant and Maoist prisoners, also houses goons in Kannur.

There are more than twice as many prisoners in the cells in all the 12 blocks of Poojappura Central Jail. A similar situation prevails in Kannur, Viyyur and district jails. There is no place for prisoners even to sit. More than 75 percent of those in jail are undertrials.

KAAPA-charged gangsters, drug busts and smugglers are remanded in custody in the Central Jail. Those charged with KAAPA are kept in different districts to prevent them from walking free. Those from Thiruvananthapuram at Thrissur, those from Thrissur at Kannur and those from Kannur at Thiruvananthapuram.

There are only 49 inmates and 2 children in the Attakulangara Women's Jail, which can accommodate 115 people.

  • 57 Jails
  • Can accommodate 6000 prisoners
  • 11,000 prisoners at present

If gangsters are arrested

  1. The arrest will be recorded and they will be released on station bail
  2. They will be warned not to commit crimes
  3. They have to come to the stations and sign the register daily

Prisons: Inmates (Capacity)

Poojappura Central: 1350 (727)

Viyyur Central: 1110(583)

Kannur Central : 1140(856)

Kozhikode District: 270 (190)

Poojappura District: 350 (280)

"Since the jails are overcrowded, many will have to be released on station bail. Serious criminals do not have this exemption. Preventive arrest is made for troublemakers."

- H. Venkatesh

ADGP, Law and Order

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