Kerala Kaumudi Online
Tuesday, 25 June 2024 12.55 PM IST

1600 rupees each to 52 lakh people; 16,000 crores needed to settle pension and DA arrears


THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: At least 16000 crore rupees should be found immediately if the social welfare pension and dearness allowance of employees are to be paid monthly and arrears have to be settled as announced by the Chief Minister. 912 crore rupees will be needed per month to pay 1600 rupees each to 52 lakh people. 4560 crore is needed to settle the arrears till the month of May.

With the start of the new financial year, the state got the facility to borrow, but the financial crisis has not been resolved. 37513 crores can be borrowed but 5000 crores have already been borrowed. The government is in a position that it has to borrow more than 2000 crores to find the money required for monthly salary and pension expenses. In this situation, social pension and DA dues cannot be paid by taking a loan of 16000 crores. The situation of taking loans through Social Security Pension Limited Company has disappeared due to the strictness of the Central Government. The state will have to find other ways to implement the Chief Minister's announcement.

DA 28% but receiving only 9%; 12000 crore required

  1. The dearness allowance of government employees is 28 percent. however, only nine percent of this is being paid currently. Payment of two percent of this was started in April this year. 19% is arrears. Dues from July 2021 to March 2024 when the salary revision was implemented are yet to be paid.
  2. The salary of the least paid government employee is Rs 23700. In the present system, DA is Rs 6636 per month but the employees are getting only Rs 2133. Dues are Rs.4503. The due for the highest-paid Undersecretary is Rs 22,000 and a Secretariat Assistant is Rs 7,000. There are a total of 5.12 lakh government employees. At least 12000 crores will be required to pay DA dues to all of them.
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