THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Finance Minister KN Balagopal on Wednesday announced that an additional Rs 20 crore has been sanctioned as government assistance to KSRTC. The Finance Department stated that the government is providing financial assistance to KSRTC to ensure the uninterrupted distribution of salaries and pensions to employees. The government had provided Rs 30 crore to KSRTC at the beginning of this month.
Currently, the government provides at least Rs 50 crore in monthly aid to KSRTC. According to the Finance Department, KSRTC has received Rs 5717 crore in aid since this government came to power.
Meanwhile, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Wednesday inaugurated the driving school to be started by KSRTC. The CM inaugurated the driving school through video conference. Transport Minister KB Ganesh Kumar presided over the function held at KSRTC SWIFT Headquarters in Anayara. The Chief Minister said that the special feature of the driving school started by KSRTC is that the public can learn to drive at a cheaper cost when compared to other driving schools.