THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The PSC will take action against the officials who included 12 candidates, who failed the physical examination, in the Civil Police Officer (CPO) rank list. A show cause notice was issued to them as part of this.
Three months after the publication of the rank list, the PSC had issued a notification expelling those who had failed the physical examination. This is how the incident came to light. Meanwhile, if the excluded candidates get a favourable court order, they will have to undergo a physical examination again.
First, a physical measurement is taken and those who pass it undergo an athletic fitness test. If there is a slight difference in physical measurements, they are subjected to a fitness test on application. If they pass the sports events, their physical measurements will be taken again based on an appeal to the PSC. The measurements were taken again on the basis of appeals filed by 72 candidates. Out of this, 37 passed and 35 failed. But out of the 35 who failed, 12 people made it to the final rank list.
PSC's own rank list inspection team found out about this and issued a correction notice on July 2 and removed all 12 people. Prior to this, show cause notices were issued to the candidates.