CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has warned Prime Minister Narendra Modi that the BJP will be isolated if it aims to eliminate its rivals instead of focusing on governance. Stalin's criticism comes at a time when several parties are accusing the central government of ignoring the states ruled by opposition parties in the union budget.
"The election is over. Now, we have to think about the country. The union budget will protect your government. But it will not protect the country. Lead the government with a sense of purpose. Or else, you will be isolated," Stalin said.
The Tamil Nadu government clarified that nothing was announced in the budget for the second phase of the Chennai Metro Rail project and the development projects in Coimbatore. It also pointed out that the Centre did not allocate any funds for the rehabilitation of flood-affected areas in Chennai and southern districts of the state.
'Although the state demanded Rs 37,000 crore, it received only Rs 276 crore so far. There was also no mention of special projects for the state in the budget. Tamil Nadu contributes ten times more taxes to India's economy than Bihar. Yet, the Centre is ignoring Tamil Nadu,' the DMK said.