THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: With all eyes on Wayanad, Health Minister Veena George instructed officials to give due focus on neighbouring districts like Malappuram and Kozhikode, which are highly prone to landslides. The minister also informed about deputing additional health workers to Wayanad.
A team from Kozhikode Medical College and another from Kannur have left for Wayanad. The minister said that doctors in departments such as surgery and orthopaedics will also be sent from Thrissur Medical College along with additional nurses. A high-level meeting was held under the leadership of the Minister of Health on Tuesday.
A high-level team headed by NHM State Mission Director Jeevan Babu will coordinate the activities of the health department. Health workers currently on leave have been instructed to report back to work on an immediate basis. KMSCL has been instructed to supply additional medicines and other equipment.
Kanivu 108 will send additional ambulances to the landslide-hit areas of Wayanad. Rapid action medical units of 108, able to run in hilly areas, were also summoned to the spot. The minister informed that temporary hospitals will be set up if required.