THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: After Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan handed over one lakh rupees to the Chief Minister's Distress Relief Fund, CPM MLAs and MPs have also decided to hand over their one month's salary. CPM representatives have decided to hand over one month's salary to help those affected by the Wayanad landslides.
CPM Members of Parliament K Radhakrishnan, Bikash Ranjan Bhattacharya, John Brittas, Amraram, V Sivadasan, AA Rahim, Su Venkatesan and R Sachithanantham will participate in the relief fund. CPM MPs will contribute Rs 8 lakh which is the total one lakh rupees monthly salary of each MP.
CPM MLAs will also contribute their monthly salary of Rs 50,000 each to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund. After Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan handed over one lakh rupees, his wife Kamala handed over Rs 33,000 to CMDRF.
CPM Kerala State Committee will contribute Rs 25 lakh and Tripura and Tamil Nadu units of the party will contribute Rs 10 lakh each, State Secretary MV Govindan said. Opposition leader VD Satheesan asked everyone to contribute to the CMDRF. He said that now we should not create unnecessary controversies.