THRISSUR: The Thrissur RDO Court on Wednesday quashed the police case filed against BJP Thrissur District President Adv KK Aneesh Kumar, branding him as a 'habitual offender'. At present, there are no criminal cases against Aneesh Kumar except for his participation in protests related to popular issues. The BJP had already marched towards the DIG office alleging an unholy nexus between CPM and the police to carry out a political witchhunt for the defeat in the Thrissur Lok Sabha elections.
BJP state president K Surendran had condemned the proceedings against Aneesh Kumar and called it unprecedented in the state's political history.
The Commissioner and the Collector investigated the case and found it too feeble to proceed. Following this, the Thrissur RDO Court quashed all criminal proceedings under Crpc 107 imposed against Adv KK Aneesh Kumar.
Advocate KR Hari, the district general secretary of the BJP, appeared in the court on behalf of the district president. Advocate KK Aneesh Kumar commented on the verdict saying that he is happy and thanked all those who fought for him.