Kerala Kaumudi Online
Thursday, 12 September 2024 9.02 PM IST

15 years building permit validity; separate parking space for commercial complexes; Minister Rajesh with new measures in local department

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THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Local Government Minister MB Rajesh said that the validity of building permits will be extended from five years to 15 years. There is also a relaxation in the requirement to have full parking facility at the location of trade and commercial complexes. It will be enough to have 25 per cent parking on the plot where the building is constructed and the remaining 75 per cent within a 200-meter radius. The second lot should also be owned by the building owner. This is to avoid the situation of the construction work getting stalled due to space constraints.

Licenses will be given to small establishments close to houses. User fees will be charged only according to the amount of waste. The Minister explained to the media persons the reform measures being implemented in the Local Self-Government Department. A first appellate authority will be constituted with district-level officials to consider the appeal if the application for a construction permit is rejected.

Provided there is no violation, permits will remain in force even if the plot area decreases or increases due to sale, gift, giving away land for road or additional land purchase. The rules will be amended to to take action against violators and avoid the situation where owners of small plots not getting permits due to the illegal activities of real estate developers.

The requirement of car parking facility as per floor area for school/college hostel buildings will be relaxed. Since non-gallery turf does not require parking, its parking requirement will be relaxed.

More slabs for trade license fees

  • The number of slabs for which the trade-commercial-industrial-service license fee is charged will be increased. With this, the situation of charging fees at the rate of large institutions from medium-sized institutions will be avoided. The penalty imposed on delays in obtaining business licenses from the municipalities will also be reduced.
  • Applications submitted online must be serviced online. Action will be taken if applicants are summoned without proper reason. A valid license must be renewed on the same day, failing which there is a provision for appeal and penalty.

Monitoring labs for public works

Quality monitoring labs will be established to ensure the quality of public works of the local self-government bodies. Appointment of overseers in the department will be done on a district basis.

Mechanisms will be in place to ensure timely service and prevent corruption. WhatsApp number and call centre will be set up at the Principal Directorate for real-time reporting of complaints. Complaints will be dealt with immediately.

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