Murali Thummarukudi has voiced strong criticism of the criteria used to select parliamentary candidates in Kerala, stating that the sole factor considered is their probability of winning, with little regard for their subsequent performance in Parliament. Thummarukudi's comments reflect his disappointment in the lack of focus on the quality of parliamentary representation from the state.
Thummarukudi emphasized that the members elected from Kerala should demonstrate their prowess through impactful interventions, speeches, and private bills in the House. He argued that Kerala's MPs should set a benchmark in parliamentary performance, with their contributions being recognized even if their numbers don't sway central governance.
Reflecting on his own expectations, Thummarukudi lamented that his hopes for sending self-assured, bilingual, and articulate young leaders to Parliament, as he had expressed before the 2019 elections, were not realized. He noted that during the 2024 elections, the primary criterion for candidate selection in Kerala remained the candidates' "winnability," with little concern for their effectiveness as parliamentarians.
In contrast, Thummarukudi expressed admiration for the performance of Trinamool Congress MPs, particularly those making their debut in Parliament. He highlighted their powerful and incisive speeches, which not only maintain the flow of debate but also serve as reminders to the Speaker of their responsibilities. Thummarukudi praised these MPs for their eloquence, well-prepared and calculated speeches, composed demeanor, and sharp political acumen, as well as their commitment to Bengal's interests in various sectors.
Thummarukudi's analysis underscores his belief that Kerala's parliamentary representation could benefit from a similar focus on quality and effectiveness.