KOCHI: Meta has been made the third accused for not handing over the information of Facebook and WhatsApp messages in the case related to the 'kafir' screenshot circulated in Vadakara during the Lok Sabha elections. According to the investigation progress report submitted by the Vadakara police inspector, the source of the fake post is the WhatsApp groups Red Battalion and Red Encounters. The names in police reports puts left groups under suspicion.
The police have received two phone numbers associated with the Ambalamukku Sakhakal Facebook account. These numbers belong to Manish and Sajeev. Manish is the admin of the Ambalamukku Sakhakal page. His statement was recorded. Forensic examination revealed that Manish got the controversial post from a WhatsApp group called Red Battalion.
It was posted in Red Battalion group by Amalram and in the Facebook group Poraali Shaji by Wahab. Wahab states that he got it from WhatsApp. According to the report, Meta company should provide information to find those who faked the controversial post. The police also informed that an application has been filed in the Vadakara Magistrate Court to summon Ashwin Madhusudan, the nodal officer of Facebook.