THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: In a major reshuffle, the Home Ministry of Kerala transferred seven SPs and two commissioners. The officials who investigated the Kafir case in Vadakara were among the transferred officials. Wayanad SP T Narayanan has been promoted as Kozhikode City Police Commissioner.
Kozhikode Commissioner Rajpal Meena has been appointed as Kannur DIG. Kozhikode Rural SP Arvind Sukumaran has also been transferred. Thomson Jose was already removed from his position as DIG of the Kannur range. Both Thomson and Arvind led the investigation into the Kafir case controversy.
Meanwhile, Chaitra Teresa John will soon assume charge as the new Kollam City Police Commissioner. Thiruvananthapuram DCP Nidin Raj has been appointed as Kozhikode Rural SP. It is reported that both Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram will have two DCPs.