THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: As Malayalam cinema grapples with a wave of revelations, similar complaints are now surfacing in the television serial industry. Actress Thara Lakshmi has come forward with a serious allegation against serial director Sudheesh Shankar, known for his work on popular Asianet serials like *Paadatha Painkili*.
Thara Lakshmi filed a complaint against Sudheesh Shankar at the Kurinkulam police station, detailing an incident that allegedly took place in 2019. According to her complaint, while she was working on a short film, Sudheesh Shankar, through a production controller, invited her to audition for a serial. Each actor was given a different time slot, so she did not find it unusual that no other actors were present when she arrived.
During the meeting, the director began narrating the story, providing details about the roles of other actors but saying nothing about her role. When Thara asked about her part, the director described it as an important role that would make her famous, but added that she would need to "adjust." When she inquired about what he meant by "adjust," the director allegedly grabbed her hand. Terrified, Thara pushed him away and fled the scene.
Thara immediately reported the incident to the Museum Police Station. She claims that the director later attempted to negotiate a compromise, but she chose not to file a case at that time out of concern for his family.