THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The police have not filed a case even after P V Anwar MLA had confessed of leaking the phone conversation. Anwar revealed that he leaked the conversation at the time of raising serious allegations against ADGP Ajith Kumar.
Anwar had said that he was ready to accept any action for leaking the phone. Usually, permission is given to leak another’s phone whenever there is an incident affecting national security. It requires the approval of the home secretary. Hacking or leaking a phone conversation is a serious matter. Still, the question arises as to why the police is hesitating to file a case against Anwar.
Meantime, there are hints that the CPM will also investigate the allegations leveled by P V Anwar against the chief minister's office and the home department. The party's intervention comes amid accusations that the government's investigation on the accused ADGP and the chief minister's political secretary P Sasi is a farce.