GANDHINAGAR: Even if you try hard to keep at least Rs 100 in your account every month, it often doesn't happen. Can't even remember about fixed deposits in this situation? However, the fixed investment of a small village in our country is Rs 7,000 crore.
The calculation of non-fixed deposits is different. We should remember that only 32,000 people live here. Madhapar, the richest village in Asia, is located in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's home state Gujarat. Even the big cities are in a state of fading before the prosperity of Madhapar located in Kutch district, 200 km from Porbandar.
The value of hard work is truly understood when one learns how this village became so rich. Most of the residents here belong to the Patel community. Most of the people here are doing small businesses abroad. The rest work in other places. The money received will be sent home immediately. In this way, each of them has crores of deposits in local banks and post offices.
The residents of Madhapar are mostly working in African countries. There is a huge demand for these villagers in the construction sector here. Apart from African countries, people from here live in America, New Zealand, Britain and Australia.
No matter where they live, they have a great passion for their own hometown. So instead of depositing money in the bank where they live, they deposit money in their hometown. Along with the flow of money from abroad, local people also earn money through agriculture and so on. The rest is earned after taking only for the expenses from the income they get. Corn, mango and sugarcane are the main crops here.
There are 17 banks in Madhapar including private banks. Many banks are coming forward showing interest to open a branch here. Madhapar also holds the title of having the highest number of banks in the country. With the influx of millionaires, some changes are seen in the village. Madhapar also has good roads, huge bungalows and irrigation and sanitation facilities that rival cities.