Actor Shane Nigam’s Tamil debut ‘Madraskaaran’ is earning praise but the collection reports are not anything to cheer about. It is reported that the movie collected Rs 30 lakh on its opening day. As part of the promotions of the movie, Shane was at the Edappally Vanitha theatre complex in Kochi the other day. While responding to media questions, the actor said he was downcast over the current spate of online trolls against his movie.
Shane Nigam:
“Just watch the movie and decide for yourself. Rate it. Don’t go by the hate propagated by some people on the internet. There is no point in naming them as you know who they are. I don’t want to talk big about it because I will end up in tears. I am going through such a situation. It is a humble request to all. Watch my movie and please help.
There is god. The justice will be delivered and I have full faith in it.”
Last year, during a promotional event for a movie, Shane made a bad pun at the fans of actor Unni Mukundan which kicked a storm on social media. The actor had to clear the air and apologise for his remark which triggered an online fury. Since then, Shane has been at the receiving end of trolls and banter on social media.