THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Tuesday said that P Gopinathan Nair was a person who replicated Gandhian values both in personal and public life. The chief minister added that Gopinathan Nair had a pure and transparent personality.
Former Chief Minister AK Antony said that the death of Gopinathan Nair, who played a key role in ending the Marad massacre, was a great loss. Antony added that Gopinathan Nair used to work selflessly. Opposition Leader VD Satheesan said that P Gopinathan Nair's demise left a void in the political and cultural arena.
Gandhian P Gopinathan Nair passed away on Tuesday evening while undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Neyyatinkara. Gopinathan Nair met Gandhi during his studies and became fascinated with the freedom struggle movement. He actively participated in the freedom struggle during his college days. He was jailed for participating in the Quit India movement. He was honoured with the Padma Shri in 2016 by the country and has also served as the Chairman of the Gandhi Memorial Fund for a long period.