KALPETTA: Actor and Territorial Army Lt. Colonel Mohanlal reached Wayanad on Saturday adorning the typical military camouflage uniform. Mohanlal while talking with the media announced three crore rupees for the rehabilitation of the disaster area. The money will come through the actor’s NGO ViswaSanthi Foundation.
Managing Director of ViswaSanthi Foundation Major Ravi promised to do the restoration work of Vellarmala school, which was partially destroyed in the disaster.
Major Ravi:
“This is something nobody noticed and I feel the need to reveal it to you all. While walking near the remnants of the school, I looked into Lal sir’s face and saw his eyes welled with tears. He immediately came to me and asked to take the restoration work of the school. “
Mohanlal walked from Chooralmala to Punchiri Mattam to witness the disaster wreaked by the landslides. The actor later visited the bailey bridge completed by the army. While interacting with the press, Mohanlal termed the Mundakkai disaster one of the worst the country has ever seen.
“Many lost their homes and relatives in a matter of seconds. There is no point grieving over them because they are not coming back. It would be wise to help the kin of the victims in whatever way possible.
It is great that we are all coming together to help them. The Madras 122 Battalion, of which I have been a member for the past 16 years, was the first to reach the disaster spot. Bailey Bridge itself is a great wonder," added Mohanlal.