KOZHIKODE: Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan visited the house of Arjun, who went missing in the landslide at Shirur in Karnataka. The chief minister assured the family that the concerns regarding Arjun's recovery will be brought to the attention of the Karnataka government and relevant steps will be taken. The chief minister left the house after promising to be with them in any difficulties.
The chief minister reached Arjun's house at Kannadikkal at around 12.30 pm today. He left after spending about 15 minutes there. The family submitted a memorandum to the chief minister. Soon after he left, Arjun's family responded that they were relieved after the visit of the chief minister.
Meantime, the family alleged that no search is being conducted in Shirur and that the diver Eshwar Malpe, who reached the river, was sent back after threatening to file a case against him.
His family had informed the other day that they are not getting any official information about the search for Arjun. Opposition leader V D Satheesan visited Arjun's house yesterday.