Kerala Kaumudi Online
Sunday, 02 June 2024 6.31 AM IST

Will catch thieves, predict weather, and traffic jams and remind you to get to office early; robot CLOi to hit markets in early 2025; video


THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: 'CLOi' will be on the front step when you come home tired from work. By recognizing your voice and facial expressions, CLOi will have casual talks with you, play a song that suits the occasion, and remind you of things to do the next day...' Home appliances company LG is the creator of CLOi, a robot that works on artificial intelligence (AI). Google's AI model Gemini is used in the robot.

The robot, which rapidly learns languages ​​and commands, will be showcased at the Google Cloud Summit in South Korea in June. It will hit the market in early 2025.

Thieves will be caught

The robot sees everything going on around it through multiple front-mounted cameras. If thieves break into the house, CLOi will detect it and notify the owner. Personal information can be told like telling it to a human being. The makers claim that it will recognize the people in the house by remembering this. CLOi will answer questions like a human and order things online. The company says the robot has the ability to predict the weather, predict traffic jams on rainy days, and remind you to get to the office early.

Field of emergency services

The design of the robot is such that it can deliver medicine to hospital wards and call a doctor in case of emergency. A model that can store up to 30 kg of medicine in four compartments will also be launched. The robot is capable of caring for inpatients and administering medication. The robot has been in talks since 2022, but the design started only last year. Manufactured in South Korea and China. The company also guarantees that the robot's battery charge will last up to 11 hours.

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