Kerala Kaumudi Online
Tuesday, 18 June 2024 2.10 PM IST

Settlement in solar protest: fronts in trouble after disclosure; leaders yet to respond


THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The revelation that the tumultuous solar strike was settled as per an agreement made by some in the LDF-UDF leadership has effectively thrown both fronts into trouble. The information that John Brittas, a media activist, was appointed to negotiate a settlement without informing even the senior leaders of the party caused anger in the CPM as well.

There is a question among the members as to how Brittas and Cherian Philip were assigned to the discussion when there were party central committee members and secretariat members. At the same time, the silence of the media person who has revealed what the deal was behind the settlement of the protest, and the leaders who responded to the controversy, is increasing the mystery. Thiruvanchoor indicated that there is no deal.

The solar protest, which was started demanding the resignation of Chief Minister Oommen Chandy, was settled in a day and a half. The sudden withdrawal of the protest on the assurance of a judicial inquiry shocked not only the LDF members but also many prominent leaders of the Left Front.

The then Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Mullappally Ramachandran, who openly revealed that there were some compromises to sabotage the police investigation in the TP murder case, and MLA KK Rema, who demanded that the role of those who led the conspiracy in the TP murder be revealed, are yet to comment on the issue.

There were unconfirmed allegations at that time that the protest was called off as part of a settlement when the TP Chandrasekaran case probe extended to the CPM leadership. It was revealed that IPS officer Anoop Kuruvila John, who played an important role in the investigation of the TP case, had a tape of the phone conversation containing crucial evidence regarding the case. The reality is that these matters were not discussed anywhere.

The fact that the left party led by the CPM backed down from the demand for the resignation of the chief minister and suddenly took the stand that a judicial inquiry was enough raised suspicions that it was due to a political understanding between the left and right fronts on some issue. With even UDF leaders including NK Premachandran and Cherian Philip taking a strategic stand on the issue, the argument that both fronts have something to hide is getting stronger. The Chief Minister, who has returned to Kerala after his foreign trip, is likely to respond in the coming days.

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