THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: In a frightening incident, a woman was shot near the secretariat in Vanchiyoor on Sunday morning. Shiny, a resident of Vallakkadavu and an NRHM employee, was injured in the air gun attack. Shiny confessed that she was attacked by a woman wearing a mask.
The incident took place at 8:30 am on Sunday. A woman disguised wearing a mask reached Shiny’s home on Sunday morning on the pretext of delivering a courier from Amazon. It was Shiny’s father-in-law who attended to the lady but she insisted on giving the courier directly to Shiny.
Later, there happened a verbal feud between the two and in a sudden reflex, the woman fired at Shiny using an air gun. Shiny’s right hand was injured and she was rushed to a private hospital. It is reported that the woman used hand gloves and covered her face with a mask.
CCTV footage is being scrutinised. It is indicated that the assailant arrived on a bike. The investigation team suspects disputes at the workplace or personal problems to be the provocative factor behind the attack. The city dwellers in this area are still not out from the shock induced by the Sunday morning shooting incident.