THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Wednesday started his travel to disaster-stricken Wayanad, where he will meet the victims of the landslide disaster. The Chief Minister will reach Kozhikode by night and will reach Wayanad only on Thursday. The Chief Minister will visit the camps and hospitals in the area.
In the wake of the Wayanad disaster, an emergency cabinet meeting was held in the morning. After another special meeting, the chief minister left for Kozhikode from the state capital. At present, the rescue operation is being coordinated by a team of ministers camping in Wayanad.
Ministers A.K.Saseendran, Ramachandran Kadannappalli, K. Rajan, Muhammad Riyas and O.R. Kelu have been stationed in Wayanad since Tuesday. An all-party meeting will be held tomorrow in Wayanad under the leadership of Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan. Ministers camping in Wayanad, district MLAs, district panchayat president, and political party leaders will participate in the meeting scheduled at 11.30 am at APJ Hall in the Collectorate. A meeting of officials has also been called at 10.30 am at APJ Hall under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister.