BENGALURU: The search for Arjun, who went missing in the landslide in Shirur, has been called off for today. Eshwar Malpe dived down the Gangavali River and found the hydraulic jack used in the lorry. Lorry owner Manaf identified the hydraulic jack. The hydraulic jack in the lorry was brand new. The one Eshwar Malpe found was also new.
Eshwar Malpe informed that the bottom of the river can be seen well and the search will be resumed from 8 am to 1 pm tomorrow. The search will continue for three days, he added. "Search was carried out today on the sides of the river. We are hopeful that the lorry will be found," Eshwar Malpe said.
Karwar MLA Satish Krishna Sail had earlier informed that the weather is favourable for the search. "There has been no rain in the area for two days. The flow in the Gangavali river has reached close to two knots," the MLA said. MLA spoke in an angry tone to the media and accused the Kerala government of not cooperating with them in any way. "We were even ready to bring a dredger and carry out the search. We requested it several times. Even though we said that we would pay the required rent in advance, the only response from the Kerala government is that they are trying," the MLA added.