Meenakshi Dileep, a beloved star kid of the Malayali audience, is making waves on social media once again. Recently, Meenakshi completed her MBBS studies and returned home. Known for accompanying her father, actor Dileep, to public events, Meenakshi chose to stay with him even after his separation from her mother, actress Manju Warrier.
Some of Meenakshi's dance videos have gained immense popularity on social media, with several going viral. Now, a recent photo shared by Meenakshi has caught the attention of her followers. In the picture, she is seen wearing an outfit from actress Kavya Madhavan’s clothing brand, Lakshya.
Meenakshi’s look was styled by celebrity makeup artist Unni PS and Lakshya was prominently tagged in the post. This has led fans to speculate whether Meenakshi has become a model for Kavya’s brand. Adding to the intrigue, a fan pointed out in the comments that Meenakshi’s outfit was crafted from a saree previously worn by Kavya at a wedding, which Meenakshi had repurposed into a traditional Dhavani.
The post has sparked excitement among fans, who are now wondering if Meenakshi is stepping into the world of modeling or possibly even making her debut in the film industry.