THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: There has been a cold response towards the salary challenge from the employees arranged by the government for the rehabilitation of Wayanad. The target was Rs 500 crore, but less than Rs 300 crore will be received. Of the total 5.32 lakh employees, only 52% participated in the salary challenge. The last date to submit the consent form was the 5th of this month. At the same time, the relief fund has received around Rs 347 crore so far from the public.
The official figures of the salary challenge have not been released. Most of the employees who participated gave their consent form to take the amount from the leave surrender. The option was to pay five days' salary in one go or in instalments.
The government's decision was not to charge money from those who did not give consent forms. The consent form was to be given through spark, the salary software.
Reason for reduced response
First two salary challenges